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What Smart City Is All About


What Smart City Is All About

22 Mar 2024 (Fri)

Akina Ho

Co-Founder of AllStarsWomen DAO

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Highlights and Recap

Exploring the Reality of Smart Cities with Akina Ho

In this Friday's Seminar, we had the pleasure of hosting Akina Ho, Co-Founder of AllStarsWomen DAO, who shared her valuable insights on the practical implementation of smart cities. Akina emphasized the transformative potential of advanced technology and innovation in creating more convenient, efficient, and sustainable urban environments around the world.

Smart cities, as Akina explained, are technology-focused urban spaces that leverage elements such as IoT, hyperlocal hubs, big data, real-time analysis and AI-driven automation. During the talk, she highlighted the benefits and challenges associated with smart cities. On the positive side, smart cities offer enhanced sustainability, improved quality of life, and accelerated economic growth. However, they also face challenges such as high energy usage, limited computation power, and security concerns.

On the other hand, she also emphasized the importance of integrating IoT devices seamlessly, simplifying design and reducing costs. Real-time analysis of big data enables proactive decision-making, allowing cities to respond swiftly to changing circumstances. AI-driven automation plays a crucial role in predicting malfunctions, automating actions, reducing costs, and addressing labour and skillset challenges.

We extend our gratitude to Akina Ho for sharing her expertise and shedding light on the practical aspects of smart cities. Let's continue working together to build a future where technology and sustainability go hand in hand! 


